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Composition of Colon Microbiota in Rats Treated with ACTH(4-7)-PGP Peptide (Semax) under Conditions of Restraint Stress.

We studied the effect of Semax on the state of intestinal microbiota in rats subjected to restraint stress. Semax was injected to Wistar male rats intraperitoneally in doses of 5, 50, 150, 450 μg/kg 12-15 min before modelling chronic restraint stress. It was found that stress exposure reduced the number of obligate bacteria in the colon microbiota, but increased the content of opportunistic microorganisms. Semax in doses of 50 and 150 μg/kg prevented the stress-induced changes in the composition of colon microbiota. The observed effects of Semax might be mediated by the central neurotropic effects as well as by binding to peripheral melanocortin receptors of the intestine.

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