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Long-Term Neuropsychiatric Sequelae in a Survivor of Cyanide Toxicity Patient With Arterialization.

Curēus 2020 June 3
Cyanide is one of the most rapidly acting poisons and accounts for many suicidal and homicidal deaths. Some natural products such as silk and wool can release cyanide when burned. Most patients who survive cyanide poisoning experience neurological sequelae. This report describes the case of a healthy 45-year-old Yemeni woman who was present during the burning of furniture in a closed space in her home. Upon admission, she displayed signs of inhalational injury, a black discoloration around her mouth and nostrils, and a first-degree burn on the left side of her neck. She experienced neuropsychiatric sequelae of cyanide poisoning, with deficits evolving over three months. Even after three months of treatment and continuous follow-up, she still showed signs of mild cognitive memory impairment along with word-finding difficulties and focal dystonia of her right hand. Full neurological and cognitive assessments are crucial to determine the neuropsychiatric sequelae of acute cyanide toxicity. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can show the extent and structure of lesions in cyanide-sensitive regions of the brain, but it is not always diagnostic. The arterialization of venous blood gases may serve as an early clue to the diagnosis of cyanide poisoning.

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