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Surpass Flow-Diverter in the Treatment of Two Wide-Neck Aneurysms in the Scheme of an Arteriovenous Malformation Patient: A Case Study.

BACKGROUND: The cerebral arterial aneurysm, especially in the circumstances of ateriovenous malformation (AVM), has higher risk of rupture than normal isolated aneursym. Therefore, the treatment strategy needs to be plan very carefully in such case.

CASE PRESENTATION: We report a patient with 2 wide-neck aneurysms located in the feeding artery of the arteriovenous malformation and he, then, was treated by using Surpass stent (flow-diverter) to eliminate the aneurysms.

CONCLUSION: In our case, multiple wide-neck aneurysms in combination with low risk unruptured AVM, using long Surpass stent-diversion is an effective way to eliminate all the aneurysms in the main feeding artery while still preserving the AVM anatomy.

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