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Efficacy and Toxicity of Folfoxiri for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.

BACKGROUND: In recent times, scientists have found new treatments for colorectal cancer patients.

AIM: The study is to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of triplet combination chemotherapy of 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan (FOLFOXIRI) for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in stage IV.

METHODS: Uncontrolled clinical trial carried on 39 stage IV colorectal cancer patients.

RESULTS: The overall response rate of the treatment was 79.4%. The average progression-free survival was 13.4 ± 9 months. The overall survival rate at 12th month and 24th month were 90% and 76%, respectively. The proportion of granulocytopenia was 48.9%, no grade 3 or 4. Side effect beyond hematology was most seen in hepatic toxicity with 52.5%, mainly at grade 1. Vomiting was 18.3%, all at grade 1. Other adverse event was very low at percentage.

CONCLUSIONS: The triplet combination FOLFOXIRI chemotherapy improves the outcome of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer regarding rate of response, overall survival rate and progression-free survival, and the level of toxicity was acceptable.

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