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Radiological findings of orbital blowout fractures: a review.

Orbit 2020 March 26
Purpose : To summarize the radiological findings in patients with orbital blowout fractures. Methods : We reviewed the published literature on radiological findings of orbital blowout fractures that were searched on PubMed and included our own radiologic findings on patients with orbital blowout fractures that were seen at our hospital. Results : Radiologic examination reveals a variety of findings in each case. However, common radiological findings of orbital blowout fractures include comminuted/unhinged, hinged, and linear fractures. These fractures are usually located in the orbital floor medial to the infraorbital nerve and in the medial orbital wall. Orbital fat is frequently herniated in the paranasal sinus or incarcerated at the fracture site. Orbital emphysema and haematoma sometimes occur as complications. Conclusions : This review will provide surgeons with a better understanding of various radiological findings, which could be helpful in the management of patients with orbital blowout fracture.

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