Journal Article
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Acquired long QT syndrome in chronic kidney disease patients.

Renal Failure 2020 November
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. QT interval prolongation is a congenital or acquired condition that is associated with an increased risk of torsade de pointes (TdP), sudden cardiac death (SCD), and all-cause mortality in the general population. The prevalence of acquired long QT syndrome (aLQTS) is high, and various acquired conditions contribute to the prolonged QT interval in patients with CKD. More notably, the prolonged QT interval in CKD is an independent risk factor for SCD and all-cause mortality. In this review, we focus on the epidemiological characteristics, risk factors, underlying mechanisms and treatments of aLQTS in CKD, promoting the management of aLQTS in CKD patients.

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