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Interparticle Reactions between Silver Nanoclusters Leading to Product Cocrystals by Selective Cocrystallization.

ACS Nano 2019 November 26
We present an example of an interparticle reaction between atomically precise nanoclusters (NCs) of the same metal, resulting in entirely different clusters. In detail, the clusters [Ag12 (TBT)8 (TFA)5 (CH3 CN)]+ (TBT = tert -butylthiolate, TFA = trifluoroacetate, CH3 CN = acetonitrile) and [Ag18 (TPP)10 H16 ]2+ (TPP = triphenylphosphine) abbreviated as Ag12 and Ag18 , respectively, react leading to [Ag16 (TBT)8 (TFA)7 (CH3 CN)3 Cl]+ and [Ag17 (TBT)8 (TFA)7 (CH3 CN)3 Cl]+ , abbreviated as Ag16 and Ag17 , respectively. The two product NCs crystallize together as both possess the same metal chalcogenolate shell, composed of Ag16 S8 , making them indistinguishable. The occupancies of Ag16 and Ag17 are 66.66 and 33.33%, respectively, in a single crystal. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) of the reaction product and a dissolved crystal show the population of Ag16 and Ag17 NCs to be in a 1:1 and 2:1 ratio, respectively. This suggests selective crystallization in the cocrystal. Time-dependent ESI MS was employed to understand the formation of product clusters by monitoring the reaction intermediates formed in the course of the reaction. We present an unprecedented growth mechanism for the formation of silver NCs mediated by silver thiolate intermediates.

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