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Adapting the Dynamic, Recursive Model of Sport Injury to Concussion: An Individualized Approach to Concussion Prevention, Detection, Assessment, and Treatment.

SYNOPSIS: The risk factors of concussion may be categorized as intrinsic (internal factors specific to the individual) or extrinsic (external factors related to the environment or sport). Identifying these factors is part of an individualized, patient-centered approach to prevention, assessment, and management of concussion. In most cases, the symptoms of concussion resolve in the initial few days following the injury, and a strategy involving a gradual return to sport and school is recommended. When symptoms persist for longer than 7 to 10 days, a multifaceted interdisciplinary assessment to guide treatment is recommended. This article applies the dynamic, recursive model of sport injury to sport-related concussion and summarizes the process of individualized assessment and management following concussion in athletes of all ages, with a focus on physical rehabilitation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2019;49(11):799-810. doi:10.2519/jospt.2019.8926 .

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