Journal Article
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Role of staging laparoscopy for gastric cancer patients.

Staging laparoscopy (SL) is frequently carried out in patients with advanced gastric cancer. However, some clinical questions are being debated and consensus must be obtained. With this aim, a literature search of PubMed/MEDLINE was carried out using the keywords "gastric cancer," "SL," and "diagnostic laparoscopy". Articles published online up to February 2019 were analyzed, focusing on the following questions. (i) What is an adequate indication for SL? (ii) How do you carry out SL? (iii) Does SL provide accurate information about peritoneal dissemination? (iv) Is the yield of SL different by tumor location? (v) Is SL a safe procedure? (vi) Is "repeat SL" needed? (vii) Does SL provide oncological benefit? Results provided the following responses: (i) In Western countries, clinically resectable advanced tumor is an indication for SL. Terms to be introduced for adequate indication include "location," "type 4 (linitis feature)," "large tumor," "equivocal computed tomography (CT] findings," and "lymph node swelling". (ii) Exploration of the entire peritoneal cavity is preferable. (iii) Detection rate of peritoneal disease is 43%-52% in Japanese institutions and 7.8%-40% in other countries. False-negative findings during SL were 0%-17%, and 10%-13% when limited to cytology. (iv) Yield of SL was higher in gastric cancer compared with esophagogastric junctional tumor. (v) SL-related complications were estimated to occur in 0.4%. (vi) Repeat SL is important after treatment. (vii) If the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for patients with P0CY1 is established, SL can provide oncological benefit. SL can be carried out safely and effectively. Considering the prevalence of neoadjuvant treatment, the role of SL will become more important.

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