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Journal Article
Nocebo Effects in Concussion: Is All That Is Told Beneficial?
Nocebo effects refer to new or worsening symptoms that develop in response to negative health-related information, beliefs, and/or experiences. In recent years, research on concussion pathophysiology has significantly advanced. Through health campaigns and media coverage, emerging knowledge on the risks of this injury has been quickly disseminated to the public, and nowadays, the public perceives concussions as more hazardous to health than ever before. Although advancements in concussion-related research and care are of great importance and value, we ask in this article whether the increasing negative publicity regarding concussion also carries any latent costs. Are additional nocebo effects being fostered? To do so, we will review the literature on the psychological and neurobiological processes underlying nocebo effects, present a series of clinical studies demonstrating the ways in which nocebos may impact concussion outcomes both clinically and societally, then speculate on further potential mechanisms for nocebo effects in concussion. We conclude with an outline of the specific efforts one may take to minimize nocebo effects in concussion-related care.
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