Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Low-dose ketamine provides poor analgesia for pain in redback spider envenoming.

Redback spider envenoming causes severe pain lasting several days. A recent clinical trial found that antivenom is not effective. We investigated ketamine for pain in redback spider envenoming. Ten adult patients with severe pain from redback spider envenoming were administered 15 mg intravenous ketamine after standard analgesia, then up to 4 oral doses of ketamine 25- 50 mg. Three patients had a clinically significant improvement in pain compared to baseline after intravenous ketamine. Five patients had a minimal decrease in pain and 2 had no improvement. Eight patients received oral ketamine: 4 doses in 5 and 2 doses in 3. At 24 h, 3/6 patients assessed had clinically significant improvement in pain and 4/5 patients assessed at 48 h, had clinically significant improvement in pain. Six patients reported side effects, including dissociation (4) and hallucinations (2). Five patients required rescue opioids and 2 were readmitted to hospital. We found that ketamine provided no additional pain relief in redback spider envenoming, compared to standard analgesia, and resulted in unacceptable adverse effects.

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