Clinical Trial
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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In vitro effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma on H 2 O 2 -induced oxidative stress in human spermatozoa.

Andrology 2020 January
BACKGROUND: Among new therapies emerging in the medical field, the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in human reproduction has not yet been explored.

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed at investigating the effect of autologous PRP on sperm parameters in the presence and absence of H2 O2 .

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Semen samples were collected from 30 healthy men in their fourth decade attending Azoury IVF clinic. Spermatozoa, cultured in the presence or absence of 10 μM H2 O2 , were left untreated or treated with increasing concentrations of PRP (2, 5, and 10%). After 24-h incubation, ROS levels were assessed and sperm parameters were evaluated.

RESULTS: Our results highlight the harmful effect of H2 O2 on sperm parameters, showing an increase in the percentage of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-positive cells, vacuolization, and sperm DNA fragmentation, and a decrease in progressive and total motility in the H2 O2 -treated group compared to non-stressed spermatozoa. When samples were treated with PRP, an improvement of the studied parameters was noted mainly with 2% PRP, thus regarded as the best concentration to achieve a positive effect on sperm parameters. Indeed, non-stressed and stressed spermatozoa treated with 2% PRP showed a significant increase in progressive and total motility, coupled with a decrease in ROS-positive cells, DNA fragmentation, vacuolization, and dead cells compared to the untreated group. In contrast, no significant difference in cell morphology was found between the two groups. Moreover, 2% PRP treatment enhanced sperm parameters and prevented cell death in H2 O2 -exposed spermatozoa as compared to freshly collected semen.

DISCUSSION: We suggest that PRP because of its wide arrays of growth factors included in his alpha granules contributes to the inhibition of ROS through the antioxidant, anti-apoptotic activity.

CONCLUSION: Autologous PRP improves the quality of the sperm, more so in the presence of an H2 O2 -induced OS.

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