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Novel Methods to Improve the Efficiency of Radioimmunotherapy for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is a novel strategy for treating non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Several studies have shown the promising results of using RIT in NHL, which have led to FDA approval for two RIT agents in treating low grade NHL. In spite of these favorable results in low-grade NHL, most of the aggressive or relapsed/refractory NHL subjects experience relapses following RIT. Although more aggressive treatments such as myeloablative doses of RIT followed by stem cell transplantation appear to be able to provide a longer survival for some patients these approaches are associated with significant treatment-related adverse events and challenging to deliver in most centers. Therefore, it seems reasonable to develop treatment approaches that enhance the efficiency of RIT, while reducing its toxicity. In this paper, novel methods that improve the efficiency of RIT and reduce its toxicity through various mechanisms are reviewed. Further clinical development of these methods could expand the NHL patient groups eligible for receiving RIT, and even extend the use of RIT to new indications and disease groups in future.

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