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Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injury: Current Therapies, Outcomes, and Challenges.
Annals of Vascular Diseases 2019 March 25
Blunt thoracic aortic injuries are rare occurrences but carry an increased risk of mortality. Over the last two decades, however, major advances in diagnostic imaging, staging, and treatment have significantly improved outcomes. Modern imaging paved the way for a new staging system based on the anatomical layers of the aortic wall. This staging system, in turn, allowed for refinement of treatment, which now includes nonoperative management with anti-impulse therapy, endovascular intervention, and, if needed, open surgical repair. As is the case with any other rapidly evolving therapy, however, new challenges and controversies arise. The resolution of these challenges will rely on a broad, international, and multidisciplinary effort. (This is a review article based on the invited lecture of the 46th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery.).
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