Journal Article
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Lyme Neuroborreliosis - The Mystifying Pitfall: "Neuropathology and Current Therapeutics".

Lyme's Disease (LD) is a severe, rapidly growing, broad spectrum chronic infection caused by the bacterium 'Borrelia (B.) burgdorferi', which can be easily transmitted through the bite of certain species of ticks. The prevalence of LD is swiftly mounting in the present scenario in many countries from species to species. Although Lyme's infection is now detectable via serologic examination of early and late Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB), the management of persistent symptoms is still fraught with quora of doubt and debate. LD is a multisystem spirochete which results after the dissemination of B. burgdorferi from a dermal inoculation site after a tick bite. Lyme's infection can easily get transmitted to the central nervous system and develop various neurological symptoms due to inflammation and an autoimmune response from body may lead to life-threatening "Lyme Borreliosis". The neurological symptoms are well mixed in presentation, late and confusing to get differentiated easily from other diseases. The use of antibiotics in post Lyme infection with neurological complications is still a topic of debate. Babesiosisstates, and human ehrlichiosis' the two other diseases, are associated with the same ticks that spread the LD. However, the prevalence of diagnosed human cases is usually much lower than that of actual cases of LD due to misdiagnosis, late diagnosis or undiagnosis at y such lateral neuroinfection stage after the tick bite. The current review focuses on the molecular neuropathology and current advancements in LD. There are very few patents or discoveries made on borrelia infection, drawing attention towards more focused and targeted research for the cure.

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