Journal Article
Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Single Intra-articular Platelet-Rich Plasma Versus Corticosteroid Injections in the Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder: A Cohort Study.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to compare the effects of single intra-articular platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and corticosteroid (CS) injections in patients with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder.

DESIGN: Patients aged 18-70 yrs of either sex, diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis of shoulder, with less than 6-mo duration, were included. In intra-articular corticosteroid (IA-CS, control) group, 30 patients received a single injection (4 ml) of IA-CS and in IA-PRP (test) group, 30 patients received single IA-PRP injection (4 ml) into the glenohumeral joint under ultrasound guidance. All patients were prospectively followed for 12 wks.

RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients in IA-PRP group and 27 in IA-CS group finished the entire 12-wk study period. At 12 wks, decrements in visual analog scale and total shoulder pain and disability index scores, in IA-PRP group, were 58.4 and 55.1, compared with 48.7 and 45.8 in IA-CS group. In range of movement, IA-PRP group showed significant improvement in passive abduction (-50.4 vs. -39.4), internal (-36.8 vs. -25.8), and external rotations (-35.4 vs. -25.9) compared with IA-CS group, respectively. No major complications were observed in any patients.

CONCLUSIONS: At 12-wk follow-up, a single dose of IA-PRP injection was found to be more effective than an IA-CS injection, in terms of improving pain, disability, and shoulder range of movement in patients with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder.

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