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Assessment of Prelicensure Undergraduate Baccalaureate Nursing Students: Ostomy Knowledge, Skill Experiences, and Confidence in Care.

Care of the patient with an ostomy is included in the curriculum of prelicensure nursing programs, but no studies examining student nurses' knowledge about stoma care have been published. The purpose of this project was to examine the ostomy knowledge, experiences, and confidence of nursing students in order to assess and improve the curriculum. At the end of the fall 2016 semester, students enrolled in 3 separate nursing courses in an undergraduate program were asked to participate in a project to examine students' ostomy knowledge, their experiences, and their confidence in providing care. This project was undertaken to explore the college's ostomy curriculum. Participation was voluntary, and no student who was willing to participate was excluded. Students completed a 50-question knowledge test, answered questions about the frequency of performing ostomy-related skills, and rated their confidence in providing ostomy care. Responses were examined with descriptive and inferential statistics. Of 189 possible participants, 138 completed the questionnaires and included mostly women (113, 81.9%); participant mean age was 27.26 ± 6.22 years. The mean number of correct knowledge responses was 35.66 (71.32%); 66 participants (47.8%) reported no experience caring for a patient with an ostomy. The most common skills performed in clinical rotations were emptying (49) and changing (24) the pouch. A scale of 1 to 5 was used to evaluate 6 confidence items, with students having a mean confidence score of 19.54 ± 5.20. They had the most confidence in their ability to empty a pouch and to size and fit the pouching and the least confidence in teaching and community resources. Confidence was related to the number of skills performed in the lab (r = .32; P <.001), the number of skills performed in clinical practice (r = .38; P <.001), and ostomy knowledge scores (r = .23; P <.007). Total correct knowledge scores did not differ significantly by year in the educational program. Based on the results of this survey, it was concluded that students had a beginning knowledge about ostomy care and very limited clinical experience, yet confidence in providing ostomy care was high. Curriculum adjustments were implemented, including strategies for increasing ostomy knowledge, opportunities to provide care, and confidence; these need further investigation in prelicensure undergraduate nursing programs. The effect of curriculum adjustments remains to be evaluated.

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