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Journal Article
Histopathology practice and training in Nigeria – a model.
Nigerian Journal of Medicine : Journal of the National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria 2016 April
Objectives: Contemporary histopathology practice and training in Nigeria have been plagued by the fundamental issue of inadequate exposure to surgical pathology material by both trainees and trainers. This paper critically examines the factors that affect the discipline and profers practical solutions to aid its advancement.
Materials and Method: This review is based on the authors experience and observations of histopathology practice in Nigeria.
Results: The Nigerian health sector is plagued by many ills including poor funding, weak policies, dilapidated structures, disgruntled and frustrated practitioners, amongst others - and pathologists are not immune to all these. In recent times, there has been a proliferation of accredited training centres as well as medical graduates interested in the specialty of histopathology. The busiest histopathology laboratories in the country ascession between 2200 and 5500 surgical samples yearly. Thus there is inadequate exposure by histopathologists and trainee pathologists to surgical materials with the attendant consequences. Many centres still rely principally on routine haematoxylineosin stains. There are no nationally agreed standard reporting formats for most diseases.
Conclusion: The development of a deanery or regional system of accredited histopathology laboratories may form the fulcrum for improving the overall quality of histopathological services and training in Nigeria. This will help develop local expertise and ensure adequate exposure to teaching aids and surgical materials. We hope that the proffered solutions will help encourage local pathologists to continue and increase their efforts to raise the profession up to enviable heights.
Materials and Method: This review is based on the authors experience and observations of histopathology practice in Nigeria.
Results: The Nigerian health sector is plagued by many ills including poor funding, weak policies, dilapidated structures, disgruntled and frustrated practitioners, amongst others - and pathologists are not immune to all these. In recent times, there has been a proliferation of accredited training centres as well as medical graduates interested in the specialty of histopathology. The busiest histopathology laboratories in the country ascession between 2200 and 5500 surgical samples yearly. Thus there is inadequate exposure by histopathologists and trainee pathologists to surgical materials with the attendant consequences. Many centres still rely principally on routine haematoxylineosin stains. There are no nationally agreed standard reporting formats for most diseases.
Conclusion: The development of a deanery or regional system of accredited histopathology laboratories may form the fulcrum for improving the overall quality of histopathological services and training in Nigeria. This will help develop local expertise and ensure adequate exposure to teaching aids and surgical materials. We hope that the proffered solutions will help encourage local pathologists to continue and increase their efforts to raise the profession up to enviable heights.
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