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Transitions in Care from Pediatric to Adult Health Care Providers: Ongoing Challenges and Opportunities for Young Persons with Diabetes.

Adolescence and young adulthood are times of multiple developmental changes, including physiological, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral transformations. The adolescent or young adult living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes must navigate the vicissitudes of these developmental stages while managing the rigors and self-care demands of these conditions. Diabetes in children is managed by adults, mainly by parents. As the child matures, diabetes management tasks transition from parents to the developing teen. This transition in care is a process that generally begins in early adolescence and culminates when the older teen successfully accepts and manages diabetes self-care tasks. Along with the transitions in diabetes management tasks, older teens and young adults must be prepared for transfer from the pediatric diabetes care team to an adult-focused health care team. Numerous publications have described the challenges associated with both the process of transition and the act of transfer. Lack of preparation during transition followed by unsuccessful transfer often results in gaps in diabetes care exceeding 6 months, deterioration in glycemic control, increase in emergency room use and hospitalization, and emergence of diabetes complications among older teens and young adults. There is need for ongoing research internationally to address these deficiencies in order to improve the short- and long-term health of young persons with diabetes.

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