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Analgesic and antidepressant activities of Brassica rapa subspecies chinensis (L.) Hanelt on Swiss-albino mice model.

Bangladesh being a subtropical country provides varieties of herbs and vegetables. Brassica is a broad genus available in Bangladesh and it encompasses a lot of nutritive herbs. Among these, Brassica rapa subspecies chinensis (L.) Hanelt (Family-Brassicaceae) is popular in many parts of the world. In the quest of medicinal property, this plant was investigated here for observing analgesic and antidepressant activities in Swiss-albino mice model. The herb was extracted well with methanol and then assayed by acetic acid-induced writhing and tail immersion methods for analgesic action. Besides, thiopental sodium induced sleeping time test, tail suspension test and forced swim test were conducted for the evaluation of its antidepressant activity. The plant extract was orally administered to the mice at 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight and it exhibited significant analgesic and antidepressant activities in compare to the controlled groups. This is the first time comprehensive report for analgesic and antidepressant activities of this plant.

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