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Consensus Development Conference
Journal Article
ISHLT Consensus Statement on adult and pediatric airway complications after lung transplantation: Definitions, grading system, and therapeutics.
Airway complications remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality after cardiothoracic transplantation. The reported incidence of airway ischemic complications varies widely, contributed to by the lack of a universally accepted grading system and standardized definitions. Furthermore, the majority of the existing classification systems fail to integrate the wide range of possible bronchial complications that may develop after lung transplant. Hence, a Working Group was created by the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation with the aim of elaborating a universal definition of adult and pediatric airway complications and grading system. One such area of focus is to understand the problem in the context of a more standardized consensus of classifying airway ischemia. This consensus definition will have major clinical, therapeutics, and research implications.
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