Journal Article
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Nutritional Aspects of Bone Health and Fracture Healing.

INTRODUCTION: Fractures are quite common, especially among the elderly. However, they can increase in prevalence in younger ages too if the bone health is not good. This may happen as a result of bad nutrition.

METHODS: A customized, retrospective review of available literature was performed using the following keywords: bone health, nutrition, and fractures.

RESULTS: Insufficient intake of certain vitamins, particularly A and D, and other nutrients, such as calcium, may affect bone health or even the time and degree of bone healing in case of fracture. The importance of different nutrients, both dietary and found in food supplements, is discussed concerning bone health and fracture healing.

CONCLUSION: A healthy diet with adequate amounts of both macro- and micronutrients is essential, for both decreasing fracture risk and enhancing the healing process after fracture.

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