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Journal Article
Deep brain stimulation for dystonia due to cerebral palsy: A review.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a heterogeneous group of syndromes that cause a non-progressive disorder of early onset, with abnormal control of movement and posture. Various aetiologies can cause the CP clinical spectrum, but all have a disruption of motor control in common. CP can be divided into four major types based on the motor disability: predominant spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic and mixed form. Dyskinetic CP (DCP) is the most common cause of acquired dystonia in children. The treatment of DCP is challenging because most individuals have mixed degrees of chorea, athetosis and dystonia. Pharmacological treatment is often unsatisfactory. Functional neurosurgery, in particular deep brain stimulation targeting the basal ganglia or the cerebellum, is emerging as a promising therapeutic approach in selected patients with DCP. We evaluated herein the effects of DBS on patients with DCP in a review of published patient data in the largest available studies.
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