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Practice-based research networks.
Australian Family Physician 2017 October
BACKGROUND: Practice-based research networks (PBRNs) are collaborations between clinical practitioners and academics. PBRNs aim to foster research in general practice through opportunities to learn more about how to undertake and participate in research, and assist in translating new knowledge into practice. Critically, PBRNs also offer clinicians the chance to contribute to research by posing questions of importance to quality clinical care.
OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this article are to describe why PRBNs are needed, the current situation regarding PBRNs in Australia, and why Australian general practice and patient outcomes could benefit from further investment in PBRNs.
DISCUSSION: PBRNs may assist by engaging more general practitioners (GPs) in the research process, thereby increasing the relevance of the research questions posed to the outcomes of the population GPs work within. Unlike similar countries (eg UK and The Netherlands), Australia no longer has any funding to support the activities of primary-care based PBRNs.
OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this article are to describe why PRBNs are needed, the current situation regarding PBRNs in Australia, and why Australian general practice and patient outcomes could benefit from further investment in PBRNs.
DISCUSSION: PBRNs may assist by engaging more general practitioners (GPs) in the research process, thereby increasing the relevance of the research questions posed to the outcomes of the population GPs work within. Unlike similar countries (eg UK and The Netherlands), Australia no longer has any funding to support the activities of primary-care based PBRNs.
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