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Current Progress in Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Silver Nanoparticles: Precepts and Prospects
Recent Patents on Anti-infective Drug Discovery 2017 October 6
Background: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), are amongst the utmost striking na-nosized materials that are extensively applied in a variety of biomedical applications which includes diagnostic use, disease management, medical device coating, drug delivery and for personal health care.
Discussion: With the growing interest and its application in the health care sector, it is be-coming necessary for a better understanding and exploration of AgNPs mechanism of ac-tion like biological interaction, their possible toxicity, and safety concern to human expo-sure. AgNPs have been the subject of researchers attention and interest due to the unique properties and quality such as shape and size depending optical, electrical, and antimicrobi-al potentials (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral etc.). In recent times, several studies have been conducted on AgNPs antimicrobial potential and also a number of patents related to its synthesis, clinical role and importance have also been registered. In this review, a short overview of AgNPs synthesis approach is presented (physical, chemical, and biological or green synthesis) and it also delivers a historical outlook of AgNPs application as an antimi-crobial agent which includes combined evidence of microbial resistance and safety issues with human exposure.
Discussion: With the growing interest and its application in the health care sector, it is be-coming necessary for a better understanding and exploration of AgNPs mechanism of ac-tion like biological interaction, their possible toxicity, and safety concern to human expo-sure. AgNPs have been the subject of researchers attention and interest due to the unique properties and quality such as shape and size depending optical, electrical, and antimicrobi-al potentials (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral etc.). In recent times, several studies have been conducted on AgNPs antimicrobial potential and also a number of patents related to its synthesis, clinical role and importance have also been registered. In this review, a short overview of AgNPs synthesis approach is presented (physical, chemical, and biological or green synthesis) and it also delivers a historical outlook of AgNPs application as an antimi-crobial agent which includes combined evidence of microbial resistance and safety issues with human exposure.
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