Journal Article
Multicenter Study
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ADA2 deficiency (DADA2) as an unrecognised cause of early onset polyarteritis nodosa and stroke: a multicentre national study.

OBJECTIVES: To analyse the prevalence of CECR1 mutations in patients diagnosed with early onset livedo reticularis and/or haemorrhagic/ischaemic strokes in the context of inflammation or polyarteritis nodosa (PAN). Forty-eight patients from 43 families were included in the study.

METHODS: Direct sequencing of CECR1 was performed by Sanger analysis. Adenosine deaminase 2 (ADA2) enzymatic activity was analysed in monocyte isolated from patients and healthy controls incubated with adenosine and with or without an ADA1 inhibitor.

RESULTS: Biallelic homozygous or compound heterozygous CECR1 mutations were detected in 15/48 patients. A heterozygous disease-associated mutation (p.G47V) was observed in two affected brothers. The mean age of onset of the genetically positive patients was 24 months (6 months to 7 years). Ten patients displayed one or more cerebral strokes during their disease course. Low immunoglobulin levels were detected in six patients. Thalidomide and anti-TNF (tumour necrosis factor) blockers were the most effective drugs. Patients without CECR1 mutations had a later age at disease onset, a lower prevalence of neurological and skin manifestations; one of these patients displayed all the clinical features of adenosine deaminase 2deficiency (DADA2) and a defective enzymatic activity suggesting the presence of a missed mutation or a synthesis defect.

CONCLUSIONS: DADA2 accounts for paediatric patients diagnosed with PAN-like disease and strokes and might explain an unrecognised condition in patients followed by adult rheumatologist. Timely diagnosis and treatment with anti-TNF agents are crucial for the prevention of severe complications of the disease. Functional assay to measure ADA2 activity should complement genetic testing in patients with non-confirming genotypes.

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