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Gender Confirmation Surgery: Guiding Principles.

BACKGROUND: At this time, no formal training or educational programs exist for surgeons or surgery residents interested in performing gender confirmation surgeries.

AIM: To propose guiding principles designed to aid with the development of formal surgical training programs focused on gender confirmation surgery.

METHODS: We use expert opinion to provide a "first of its kind" framework for training surgeons to care for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals.

OUTCOMES: We describe a multidisciplinary treatment model that describes an educational philosophy and the institution of quality parameters.

RESULTS: This article represents the first step in the development of a structured educational program for surgical training in gender confirmation procedures.

CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health Board of Directors unanimously approved this article as the framework for surgical training.

STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS: This article builds a framework for surgical training. It is designed to provide concepts that will likely be modified over time and based on additional data and evidence gathered through outcome measurements.

CONCLUSION: We present an initial step in the formation of educational and technical guidelines for training surgeons in gender confirmation procedures. Schechter LS, D'Arpa S, Cohen MN, et al. Gender Confirmation Surgery: Guiding Principles. J Sex Med 2017;14:852-856.

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