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Revision Buttock Implantation: Indications, Procedures, and Recommendations.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2017 Februrary
BACKGROUND: Buttock implant studies have focused largely on safety, efficacy, and complication rates of primary surgery. The revision buttock implant surgical experience has to date not been published.
METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted to collect data from patients who underwent revision buttock implantation surgery performed by the author over a 12-year period from June of 2003 through December of 2015. Inclusion criteria consisted of any patient for whom an implant was either removed and replaced, exchanged, or repositioned after prior buttock implant surgery. The indications, types of procedures, and results of revision buttock implantation surgery based on the author's experience are described.
RESULTS: Forty-three patients (32 women and 11 men) underwent revision buttock implantation surgery. Indications included replacement after removal (n = 18), asymmetry (n = 16), and size change (n = 9). Revision buttock implantation procedures included implant removal (n = 24), implant replacement (n = 19), implant exchange (n = 18), capsulotomy (n = 6), site change (n = 5), and capsulorrhaphy (n = 1). The overall complication rate was 17.8 percent. Complications were highest after unilateral implant replacement (n = 5).
CONCLUSIONS: Revision buttock implantation is often necessary to correct or improve the results of primary buttock augmentation. Implants should be removed as soon as diagnosed in case of infection to reduce additional complications and permit successful reimplantation. Surgeons performing buttock implant surgery should be aware of the common indications, surgical procedures, and complications associated with revision buttock implantation surgery.
METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted to collect data from patients who underwent revision buttock implantation surgery performed by the author over a 12-year period from June of 2003 through December of 2015. Inclusion criteria consisted of any patient for whom an implant was either removed and replaced, exchanged, or repositioned after prior buttock implant surgery. The indications, types of procedures, and results of revision buttock implantation surgery based on the author's experience are described.
RESULTS: Forty-three patients (32 women and 11 men) underwent revision buttock implantation surgery. Indications included replacement after removal (n = 18), asymmetry (n = 16), and size change (n = 9). Revision buttock implantation procedures included implant removal (n = 24), implant replacement (n = 19), implant exchange (n = 18), capsulotomy (n = 6), site change (n = 5), and capsulorrhaphy (n = 1). The overall complication rate was 17.8 percent. Complications were highest after unilateral implant replacement (n = 5).
CONCLUSIONS: Revision buttock implantation is often necessary to correct or improve the results of primary buttock augmentation. Implants should be removed as soon as diagnosed in case of infection to reduce additional complications and permit successful reimplantation. Surgeons performing buttock implant surgery should be aware of the common indications, surgical procedures, and complications associated with revision buttock implantation surgery.
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