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Case Reports
Journal Article
Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty for pediatric recurrent rectal prolapse.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989 October
The recent use of the posterior sagittal anorectoplasty for repair of high imperforate anus has demonstrated several advantages: elimination of laparotomy, more direct approach, easier division of rectourethral fistula, more exact identification of the muscles of fecal continence, proper relocation of anorectum within these muscles and sphincters, and virtual elimination of postoperative anal prolapse. It is this latter advantage that attracted us to use this procedure for the repair of a recurrent rectal prolapse in a 1-year-old girl who also had a recurrent bladder exstrophy. The latter probably contributed to her constantly pushing out her rectum, which easily admitted two fingers. Two attempts were made to repair the rectal prolapse using the subcutaneous Thiersch's perianal technique; however, each was successful for only 6 weeks. When her recurrent bladder exstrophy was repaired, we also repaired her recurrent rectal prolapse using the posterior sagittal anorectoplasty. The midline sacrococcygeal incision was carried down to but not through the external sphincter, and the patulous rectum was plicated back to a normal size. Reapproximation of the levator sling and lower muscle complex then incorporated the plicated rectum. Both repairs remain intact after 1 year.
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