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Determination of the chest wall thicknesses and needle thoracostomy success rates at second and fifth intercostal spaces: a cadaver-based study.
American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2016 December
INTRODUCTION: The purposes of this study were to measure the chest wall thicknesses (CWTs) at second intercostal space (ICS) mid-clavicular line (MCL) and fifth ICS MAL directly, and compare the actual success rates of needle thoracostomies (NTs) by inserting a 5-cm-long syringe needle. Predictive values of weight, body mass index (BMI) and CWT were also analyzed.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 199 measurements of 50 adult fresh cadavers from both hemithoraces. Five-centimeter-long syringe needles were inserted and secured. Penetration into the pleural cavity was assessed, and CWTs at 4 locations were measured. Achieved power of this study for the primary aim of CWT comparison from 2nd and 5th ICSs was .94.
RESULTS: Overall mean CWTs at 2nd ICS MCL and 5th ICS MAL were measured as 2.46 ± 0.78 and 2.89 ± 1.09, respectively, and 5th ICS MAL was found to be statistically thicker (P = .002). The success rate of NT at 2nd ICS MCL was 87% (95% CI, 80-94), and that at 5th ICS MAL was 78% (95% CI, 70-86; P = .3570). Only 6 (17.1%) of 35 failed NTs had a CWT greater than 5-cm. Needle thoracostomy has failed in 29 (14.9%) of 194 locations, despite a CWT less than 5-cm. Below a weight of 72 kg, BMI of 23 kg/m2 , or CWT of 2.4 cm, all NTs were successful.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: In this report, we present the largest cadaver-based cohort to date to the best of our knowledge, and we observed a statistically nonsignificant 9% more NT success rate at 2nd ICS at a power of 88% and statistically significant more success rate in males at 5th ICS was (47.7%). We also observed thinner CWTs and higher success rates than previous imaging-based studies. A BMI of 23 kg/m2 or less and weight of 72 kg or less seem to accurately rule-out NT failure in cadavers, and they seem to be better predictors at the bedside.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 199 measurements of 50 adult fresh cadavers from both hemithoraces. Five-centimeter-long syringe needles were inserted and secured. Penetration into the pleural cavity was assessed, and CWTs at 4 locations were measured. Achieved power of this study for the primary aim of CWT comparison from 2nd and 5th ICSs was .94.
RESULTS: Overall mean CWTs at 2nd ICS MCL and 5th ICS MAL were measured as 2.46 ± 0.78 and 2.89 ± 1.09, respectively, and 5th ICS MAL was found to be statistically thicker (P = .002). The success rate of NT at 2nd ICS MCL was 87% (95% CI, 80-94), and that at 5th ICS MAL was 78% (95% CI, 70-86; P = .3570). Only 6 (17.1%) of 35 failed NTs had a CWT greater than 5-cm. Needle thoracostomy has failed in 29 (14.9%) of 194 locations, despite a CWT less than 5-cm. Below a weight of 72 kg, BMI of 23 kg/m2 , or CWT of 2.4 cm, all NTs were successful.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: In this report, we present the largest cadaver-based cohort to date to the best of our knowledge, and we observed a statistically nonsignificant 9% more NT success rate at 2nd ICS at a power of 88% and statistically significant more success rate in males at 5th ICS was (47.7%). We also observed thinner CWTs and higher success rates than previous imaging-based studies. A BMI of 23 kg/m2 or less and weight of 72 kg or less seem to accurately rule-out NT failure in cadavers, and they seem to be better predictors at the bedside.
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