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Intralobar sequestration. A missed diagnosis.

Intralobar pulmonary sequestration is an uncommon but distinct clinical entity that may be the unrecognized cause of recurrent pulmonary infections. Between 1967 and 1987, 10 patients, ranging in age from 5 to 39 years, were found to have an intralobar sequestration. Nine patients (90%) had a history of recurrent pulmonary infections, chronic cough, and intermittent fevers. One patient was asymptomatic. Many patients had been treated with antibiotics on numerous occasions. The delay in diagnosis varied between 3 months and 7 years (mean delay, 1.5 years). The chest roentgenogram was abnormal in all patients. The intralobar sequestration was present in the left lower lobe in 7 patients and the right lower lobe in 3 patients. Bronchography was abnormal in 4 patients in whom it was done. Bronchoscopy was performed in 7 patients, but it was only helpful in excluding other diagnoses. Preoperative thoracic arteriography in 9 patients visualized the systemic arterial supply from the thoracic or abdominal aorta to the intralobar sequestration and helped prevent any catastrophic surgical bleeding. A lobectomy was performed in 9 patients and a segmentectomy in 1 patient without morbidity or mortality. In patients with recurrent infections in the same lower lobe, a high index of suspicion for an intralobar sequestration should prompt early diagnostic arteriography and, if confirmed, early operative intervention.

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