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Ten-year analyses of the German DRG data about negative pressure wound therapy.

Exact data regarding the clinical role of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for wound care in a specific country are not available. Thus, we analysed the use of NPWT in hospitalised patients in Germany. Detailed lists of all hospitalised cases treated with NPWT in Germany for each of the years from 2005 to 2014 were obtained from the Federal Statistical Office, as well as lists of the 15 most frequent principal and additional diagnoses documented with NPWT in 2014. Within the 10-year time period of the study, the number of cases treated with NPWT increased by 349%, from 37 053 in 2005 to 129 269 in 2014. The rate of all hospitalised cases treated with NPWT increased form 0·22% to 0·66% in Germany. In 2014, wounds affecting skin and subcutaneous tissue (5-916.a0) are the most frequent documented indication for NPWT followed by deep wounds involving bones and joints at the limbs (5-916.a1). Open abdomens (5-916.a3) count for higher numbers than deep wounds of the thorax, mediastinum and sternum (5-916.a2). Fifty percent of all cases hospitalised for stage IV pressure ulcers at sacrum or ischium and around one third (32.2%) of cases with pyothorax received NPWT. Every fourth to fifth case hospitalised for disruption of surgical wounds or infections following a procedure (24·1%), as well as for infections and inflammations because of internal joint prosthesis or because of an internal fixation device was treated with NPWT (22·9%). In cases with diabetic foot syndrome, it is still every tenth case (10·1%). This analysis shows a substantial increase in the use of NPWT in the last decade for hospitalised patients. NPWT has a fixed role in the treatment of stage IV pressure ulcers at sacrum or ischium, pyothorax, infection and inflammation because of internal joint prosthesis or an internal fixation device and diabetic foot syndrome.

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