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Use of Topical Rapamycin in Facial Angiofibromas in Indian Skin Type.
Indian Journal of Dermatology 2016 January
INTRODUCTION: Facial angiofibromas (FA) are the most visible cutaneous manifestations in patients with tuberous sclerosis (TS), often resulting in stigmatization of the affected individuals. Recent studies have suggested that topical rapamycin may be an effective treatment for angiofibromas.
AIM: To study the safety and efficacy of topical rapamycin in treatment of FA in Type IV-VI skin type.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five female patients with FA were included in the study, four of whom had TS, whereas one had isolated angiofibromas without systemic involvement. The age of the patients varied from 6 to 44 years. After baseline evaluation, they were advised to apply topical rapamycin (0.1-1%) in white soft paraffin base twice daily. Follow-up varied from 1 month to 6 months and is ongoing.
RESULTS: A sustained improvement was observed with respect to erythema, size as well as extent of the lesions as early as within 2 weeks of starting treatment. No side effects were observed. A correlation between duration of angiofibromas and effectiveness of treatment was noted.
CONCLUSION: Topical rapamycin appears to be a safe and effective alternative to surgical or laser-based treatments in patients with FA. This treatment shows potential to be a first-line management for FA and appears safe to start in early childhood.
AIM: To study the safety and efficacy of topical rapamycin in treatment of FA in Type IV-VI skin type.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five female patients with FA were included in the study, four of whom had TS, whereas one had isolated angiofibromas without systemic involvement. The age of the patients varied from 6 to 44 years. After baseline evaluation, they were advised to apply topical rapamycin (0.1-1%) in white soft paraffin base twice daily. Follow-up varied from 1 month to 6 months and is ongoing.
RESULTS: A sustained improvement was observed with respect to erythema, size as well as extent of the lesions as early as within 2 weeks of starting treatment. No side effects were observed. A correlation between duration of angiofibromas and effectiveness of treatment was noted.
CONCLUSION: Topical rapamycin appears to be a safe and effective alternative to surgical or laser-based treatments in patients with FA. This treatment shows potential to be a first-line management for FA and appears safe to start in early childhood.
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