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Developmental Milestones.
Pediatrics in Review 2016 January
• On the basis of observational studies (level C), preterm birth is a leading cause of neurodevelopmental disabilities in children, and the degree of neurodevelopmental disability is inversely correlated with gestational age at birth. When comparing performance of preterm children to developmental norms, “corrected age” or age from due date rather than birth date should be used for the first 24 to 36 months. • On the basis of observational studies (level C), clinicians should pay specific attention to sensory function in children born preterm because the incidence of visual and hearing impairments is higher in preterm than term children. Due to the elevated risk of cognitive and behavioral disabilities, clinicians caring for children born preterm should be vigilant when performing developmental assessments to improve outcomes. • On the basis of observational studies (level C), early identification of developmental delays allows for referral to therapeutic services, and children referred for early intervention are more likely to make gains in developmental milestones.
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