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Case Reports
Journal Article
Are We Growing Psychotropics in Our Backyards?: A Case Report and Literature Review of Coleus blumei.
There have been very limited reports of the euphoria experienced under the influence of Coleus blumei--part of a large genus with similarities to various mints and herbs, naturally found in abundance and popular in home gardens. There have been reports of similar properties to Salvia divinorum, which contains the psychoactive neocleordane diterpene salvinorin-A. We present a case of a man in his twenties, with no significant known personal or family psychiatric history, presenting to an emergency room with a psychotic episode after the ingestion of C. blumei. He had chewed leaves of this plant, with the intention of obtaining a euphoric experience, as learned through social media posts. Comprehensive laboratory work-up drug screening and diagnostic imaging were negative. Vital signs were stable and physical examination was unremarkable. His mental status improved significantly after treatment with risperidone 2 mg twice daily, during a 5-day psychiatric hospitalization. This case draws attention to a potential psychotropic that warrants clinical consideration and further investigation.
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