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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: An Update.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are life-threatening mucocutaneous reactions, predominantly drug induced. The mortality rates for SJS and TEN are as high as 30 %, and short- and long-term morbidities are very common. SJS/TEN is one of the few dermatological diseases that constitute a true medical emergency. Early recognition and prompt and appropriate management can be lifesaving. In recent years, our understanding of the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and management of SJS/TEN has improved. Nevertheless, in 2015, there are still no internationally accepted management guidelines. This review summarizes up-to-date insights on SJS/TEN and describes a protocol for assessment and treatment. We hope these suggested guidelines serve as a practical clinical tool in the management of SJS/TEN. The classic manifestation of SJS/TEN consists of initial "flu-like" symptoms (malaise, fever, anorexia) in the prodromal phase, followed by cutaneous and mucous membrane (ocular, oral, and genital) inflammation and pain, and other systemic involvement. Symptoms usually begin 4-28 days after the onset of drug intake. Treatment is multidisciplinary and includes identification and withdrawal of the culprit drug, transfer to a specialist unit, supportive care, medical treatment, communication, and provision of appropriate information and emotional support.

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