Journal Article
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Eyelid aging: pathophysiology and clinical management.

Life expectancy is increasing in most countries. With increasing age, many individuals may develop involutional ophthalmic diseases, such as eyelid aging. Dermatochalasis, ptosis, ectropion, and entropion are common disorders in middle-aged and older adults. This review outlines the pathophysiology and clinical management of these involutional eyelid disorders. Recently, a decrease in elastic fibers with ultrastructural abnormalities and an overexpression of elastin-degrading enzymes have been demonstrated in involutional ectropion and entropion. This may be the consequence of local ischemia, inflammation, and/or chronic mechanical stress. Eyelid aging with progressive loss of tone and laxity may affect the ocular surface and adnexal tissues, resulting in different clinical symptoms and signs. Surgical management depends on the appropriate correction of the underlying anatomical defect.

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