Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Cuffed endotracheal tubes for neonates and young infants: a comprehensive review.

Traditionally, uncuffed endotracheal tubes (ETTs) have been used for artificial ventilation of infants and children. More recently, newer designed high-volume low-pressure (HVLP) cuffed ETTs are being used with increasing frequency in infants from birth. Considering that many paediatric anaesthetists and intensivists are already using cuffed ETTs in infants >3 kg from birth, should neonatologists be doing the same? This review examines the reasons behind the traditional use of uncuffed ETTs and the problems associated with their use; newer HVLP cuffed ETTs and what they can potentially offer neonates; and reviews evidence from studies comparing the use of cuffed and uncuffed ETTs in neonates and small infants.

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