Case Reports
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Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Surgical Gloves to Repair Soft Tissue Defects in Hands.

Journal of UOEH 2015 September 1
The efficacy of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in the treatment of skin defect wounds has been established, but it is difficult to apply to hand surgery because of the easy occurrence of air leaks. We report two cases of performing NPWT with surgical gloves. Case1: A 37-year-old male was injured on his right dorsal hand from a punch. He presented to our hospital three days after the injury because of swelling and pain. The wound was infected and contused, so wound lavage and debridement (W&D) were performed under local anesthesia. The infected condition didn't improve after antimicrobial infusion, so W&D were performed again 8 days after the first visit. Then W&D were performed every day, and the infection subsided 15 days after the first visit. NPWT was initiated for the purpose of managing exudate and the wound condition, and healthy granulation tissue formed gradually. Finally, transpositional flap and full-thickness skin graft were performed on day 29. Case2: A 43-year-old male accidentally sustained a high pressure injection of oil into his dorsal hand. He presented to our hospital the next day, and W&D were performed. W&D were performed again two days after the first visit, and artificial dermis was applied over a part of the wound that was impossible to close. A decision was made to apply NPWT and a surgical glove for the purpose of reducing swelling and managing wound exudate. The swelling decreased and granulation tissue formed gradually, then nine days after the first visit a sural nerve graft was applied to bridge the defective area, and a full thickness skin graft was applied. We achieved good wound closure and hand function recovery after using NPWT and a surgical glove.

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