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Journal Article
Chicken or the egg: Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction.
F1000Prime Reports 2015
Compared with normal cells, cancer cells show alterations in many cellular processes, including energy metabolism. Studies on cancer metabolism started with Otto Warburg's observation at the beginning of the last century. According to Warburg, cancer cells rely on glycolysis more than mitochondrial respiration for energy production. Considering that glycolysis yields much less energy compared with mitochondrial respiration, Warburg hypothesized that mitochondria must be dysfunctional and this is the initiating factor for cancer formation. However, this hypothesis did not convince every scientist in the field. Some believed the opposite: the reduction in mitochondrial activity is a result of increased glycolysis. This discrepancy of opinions is ongoing. In this review, we will discuss the alterations in glycolysis, pyruvate metabolism, and the Krebs cycle in cancer cells and focus on cause and consequence.
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