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Ultrasound vs. MRI in the assessment of rotator cuff structure prior to shoulder arthroplasty.

BACKGROUND/AIMS: We compared the accuracy of US to 3 T Tesla MRI for the detection of rotator cuff and long biceps tendon pathologies before joint replacement.

METHODS: 45 patients were prospectively included.

RESULTS: For the supraspinatus tendon, the accuracy of US when using MRI as reference was 91.1%. For the infraspinatus tendon, the accuracy with MRI as reference was 84.4%. The subscapularis tendon was consistently assessed by US and MRI in 35/45 patients (accuracy 77.8%). For the long biceps tendon the accuracy was 86.7%.

CONCLUSION: US detection of rotator cuff and biceps tendon integrity is comparable to MRI and should be preferred in revision cases.

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