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Mulitmodality management of rare solitary fibrous tumor can be associated with extended survival.
BACKGROUND: Little is known on the long-term course of patients treated for intracranial solitary fibrous tumors (iSFT). We therefore retrospectively reviewed the charts of our patients who underwent Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) for iSFT at Klinik Im Park in Zurich and who were treated by one of the authors. Between 1994 and 2009, two patients underwent GKRS for iSFT at Klinik Im Park.
CASE DESCRIPTION: One patient underwent altogether five radiosurgical treatments and two craniotomies for iSFT and its local recurrences. The other patient underwent two craniotomies and one radiosurgical treatment for iSFT. Both patients maintained a Karnofsky performance score 100 during follow-up and both were long-term survivors with a follow-up of 9 and 17 years, respectively.
CONCLUSION: A close follow-up of patients with iSFT and repeat radiosurgery or surgery when indicated seems to lead to a favorable long-term outcome.
CASE DESCRIPTION: One patient underwent altogether five radiosurgical treatments and two craniotomies for iSFT and its local recurrences. The other patient underwent two craniotomies and one radiosurgical treatment for iSFT. Both patients maintained a Karnofsky performance score 100 during follow-up and both were long-term survivors with a follow-up of 9 and 17 years, respectively.
CONCLUSION: A close follow-up of patients with iSFT and repeat radiosurgery or surgery when indicated seems to lead to a favorable long-term outcome.
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