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Treatment and results in pediatric traumatic hip dislocation: case series and review of the literature.

BACKGROUND: Six acute traumatic hip dislocations in pediatric patients were retrospectively analyzed. Types of dislocations, associated lesions, treatment methods, complications, and clinical and radiological outcomes were reviewed.

METHODS: Six child patients treated due to traumatic hip dislocation between 2007 and 2011 in our clinic were included in the study. While five of the patients were male, one was female; the average age was 8 years and 8 months. The mean follow-up was 25.2±10 months. There were posterior dislocations in five cases and transepiphyseal fractured dislocation in one case. Four cases were treated by closed reduction while two cases were treated with open reduction method.

RESULTS: In the last control of the patients, asymmetric widening in the hip joint was found due to osteochondral fracture in one patient and coxa magna occurred in one patient. Avascular necrosis developed in one case with transepiphyseal fractured dislocation. Harris hip score evaluation was found excellent in five cases and bad in the case with fractured dislocation.

CONCLUSION: Traumatic hip dislocation is a rare condition. It should be treated with preferably closed method as soon as possible. Repetitive reduction trials should be avoided. Open reduction should be performed to recognize accompanying lesions after advanced radiologic examinations such as computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

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