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The major human rhinovirus receptor is ICAM-1.

Cell 1989 March 10
The major human rhinovirus receptor has been identified with monoclonal antibodies that inhibit rhinovirus infection. These monoclonal antibodies recognize a 95 kd cell surface glycoprotein on human cells and on mouse transfectants expressing a rhinovirus binding phenotype. Purified 95 kd protein binds to rhinovirus in vitro. Protein sequence from the 95 kd protein showed an identity with that of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1); a cDNA clone obtained from mouse transfectants expressing the rhinovirus receptor had essentially the same sequence as ICAM-1. Thus, the major human rhinovirus receptor is ICAM-1. The gene for this receptor maps to human chromosome 19, which also contains the genes for a number of other picornavirus receptors.

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