Clinical Trial
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Motor Improvement and Emotional Stabilization in Patients With Tourette Syndrome After Deep Brain Stimulation of the Ventral Anterior and Ventrolateral Motor Part of the Thalamus.

BACKGROUND: Since its first application in 1999, the potential benefit of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in reducing symptoms of otherwise treatment-refractory Tourette syndrome (TS) has been documented in several publications. However, uncertainty regarding the ideal neural targets remains, and the eventuality of so far undocumented but possible negative long-term effects on personality fuels the debate about the ethical implications of DBS.

METHODS: In this prospective open-label trial, eight patients (three female, five male) 19-56 years old with severe and medically intractable TS were treated with high-frequency DBS of the ventral anterior and ventrolateral motor part of the thalamus. To assess the course of TS, its clinical comorbidities, personality parameters, and self-perceived quality of life, patients underwent repeated psychiatric assessments at baseline and 6 and 12 months after DBS onset.

RESULTS: Analysis indicated a strongly significant and beneficial effect of DBS on TS symptoms, trait anxiety, quality of life, and global functioning with an apparently low side-effect profile. In addition, presurgical compulsivity, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, and inhibition appeared to be significant predictors of surgery outcome.

CONCLUSIONS: Trading off motor effects and desirable side effects against surgery-related risks and negative implications, stimulation of the ventral anterior and ventrolateral motor part of the thalamus seems to be a valuable option when considering DBS for TS.

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