Comparative Study
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Clinical efficacy of polyspecific intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in patients with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: a comparative observational study.

BACKGROUND: Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) and necrotizing fasciitis are the 2 most severe invasive manifestations caused by group A Streptococcus (GAS). Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy has been suggested as adjunctive treatment with a beneficial effect on mortality. However the clinical evidence is limited. Here we aim to further document the clinical efficacy of administered IVIG therapy in a comparative observational study of well-defined patients with STSS.

METHODS: The effect of IVIG was evaluated in patients with STSS prospectively identified in a nationwide Swedish surveillance study conducted between April 2002 and December 2004. Detailed data on symptoms, severity of disease, treatment, and outcome were obtained from 67 patients. Crude and adjusted analyses with logistic regression were performed.

RESULTS: Twenty-three patients received IVIG therapy compared with 44 who did not. No significant difference in comorbidities, severity of disease, organ failures, or sex was seen, but the IVIG group was slightly younger and had a higher degree of necrotizing fasciitis (56% vs 14%). The primary endpoint was 28-day survival. Adjusted analysis revealed that factors influencing survival in STSS were Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (odds ratio [OR], 1.1; P = .007), clindamycin (OR, 8.6; P = .007), and IVIG (OR, 5.6; P = .030).

CONCLUSIONS: This comparative observational study of prospectively identified STSS patients demonstrates that both IVIG and clindamycin therapy contribute to a significantly improved survival in STSS.

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