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The effect of intravenous magnesium sulfate on laryngospasm after elective adenotonsillectomy surgery in children.

BACKGROUND: Laryngospasm is the protective reflex of tracheobronchial tree against secretions and hemorrhage. This reflex is more prevalent in adenotonsillectomy in the presence of light anesthesia, which can lead to obstruction of airway, complications, and mortality. Different methods have been studied for preventing this complication; however, none of them could reliably prevent it.

OBJECTIVES: The objective was to assess the effect of magnesium sulfate on laryngospasm and coughing after adenotonsillectomy.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventy children with three to 12 years of age and ASA classes I and II, who were candidates for adenotonsillectomy, were recruited in this randomized clinical trial. The study group received 15 mg/kg intravenous magnesium sulfate and the control group received 0.9% normal saline with the same volume, 2 minutes after tracheal intubation via intravenous infusion for 20 minutes. After removing the endotracheal tube in the recovery room, the patients were assessed at minutes zero, 15, and 30in terms of laryngospasm and coughing. The assessment was based on four-point scale of severity of these complications and saturation percentage of arterial oxygen in operating and recovery room. After collecting the data, results were analyzed with the SPSS 16 software anda P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

RESULTS: Laryngospasm was not found in the magnesium sulfate group; however, its incidencewas5.7% in the control group. The incidence rates of coughs were 17.1% and 40% in the magnesium sulfate group and in the control group, respectively, which had no statistically significant differences.

CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous magnesium sulfate with dose of 15 mg/kg could not prevent laryngospasm and coughing after removal of the endotracheal tube in patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy; however, it reduced coughing and laryngospasm in the magnesium sulfate group compared with the control group.

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