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[Current treatment of pelvic ring fractures].

Der Unfallchirurg 2014 Februrary
Pelvic injuries are often associated with multiple injuries of other body regions, neurovascular and visceral lesions, as well as hemodynamic instability. The use of a standardized classification characterizing the severity and stability of pelvic fractures and the early stabilization of pelvic ring injuries in appreciation of damage control principles has helped to improve the number of survivors. This is particularly necessary due to the higher number of older patients. Complex pelvic trauma still represents a life-threatening situation for the patient, particularly in multiple traumatized patients. Standardized clinical investigations and modern concepts even in the preclinical therapy of complex pelvic fractures make a contribution to enhancement of treatment options. Because of the still problematic long-term results after surgery of instable pelvic fractures, the need for modern treatment concepts has to be adapted to the requirements.

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