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Activities of serum Ada, GGT and alp in carcinoma breast-a case control study for diagnostic and prognostic significance.
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2013 May
AIM: To assess the clinical utility of Serum adenosine deaminase, gamma glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase in carcinoma breast patients for diagnostic and prognostic purpose.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty clinically and histopathologically confirmed female patients of the age group of 30-65 years served as cases and 30 normal healthy females in the same age group served as controls. The parameters were estimated by standard biochemical methods.
RESULTS: The activities of serum ADA, GGT and ALP were significantly increased in carcinoma breast patients when compared to controls. When all the 4 stages of carcinoma breast were compared with controls ADA and GGT were increased significantly. Whereas ALP showed a significant increase only in stage II, III and IV. Interstage comparison yielded a steady and progressive increase in the activities of these enzymes from stage I-IV.
CONCLUSION: The study concludes that enzyme markers like serum ADA and GGT could be sensitive, specific and cost effective biomarkers for diagnosing carcinoma breast and for monitoring its progression. Serum ALP level can be used as important biomarker for detecting metastasis and for differentiation of carcinoma breast with and without metastasis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty clinically and histopathologically confirmed female patients of the age group of 30-65 years served as cases and 30 normal healthy females in the same age group served as controls. The parameters were estimated by standard biochemical methods.
RESULTS: The activities of serum ADA, GGT and ALP were significantly increased in carcinoma breast patients when compared to controls. When all the 4 stages of carcinoma breast were compared with controls ADA and GGT were increased significantly. Whereas ALP showed a significant increase only in stage II, III and IV. Interstage comparison yielded a steady and progressive increase in the activities of these enzymes from stage I-IV.
CONCLUSION: The study concludes that enzyme markers like serum ADA and GGT could be sensitive, specific and cost effective biomarkers for diagnosing carcinoma breast and for monitoring its progression. Serum ALP level can be used as important biomarker for detecting metastasis and for differentiation of carcinoma breast with and without metastasis.
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