Journal Article
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Integrating mobile devices into nursing curricula: opportunities for implementation using Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation model.

OBJECTIVES: To identify studies reporting mobile device integration into undergraduate and graduate nursing curricula. To explore the potential use of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation model as a framework to guide implementation of mobile devices into nursing curricula.

DESIGN: Literature review and thematic categorization.

DATA SOURCES: Literature published up until June 2013 was searched using EBSCO, PubMed, and Google Scholar.

REVIEW METHOD: The literature was reviewed for research articles pertaining to mobile device use in nursing education. Research articles were grouped by study design, and articles were classified by: 1) strategies for individual adopters and 2) strategies for organizations. Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation theory was used to categorize reported implementation strategies.

RESULTS: Fifty-two research studies were identified. Strategies for implementation were varied, and challenges to integrating mobile devices include lack of administrative support and time/funding to educate faculty as well as students. Overall, the use of mobile devices appears to provide benefits to nursing students; however the research evidence is limited.

CONCLUSION: Anticipating challenges and ensuring a well laid out strategic plan can assist in supporting successful integration of mobile devices.

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